Information of Statistics Poland concerning the results of the Badanie Aktywności Ekonomicznej Ludności recalculated for the years 2010-2020. (BAEL - the Polish equivalent of the European survey on the labour force - Labour Force Survey/LFS)

The changes introduced into the Badanie Aktywności Ekonomicznej Ludności (BAEL) from 2021 onwards which concerned mainly the subjective range of the survey and definitions as well as the way of specification of particular populations of persons on the labour market, had an impact on comparability of the results obtained before and after the survey revision[1].
For the purpose of comparative analyses on the longer time series, Statistics Poland prepared recalculated historical BAEL data for the years 2010–2020, compiled with the use of the changed from 2021 onwards definitions concerning specification of the main categories of persons on the labour market, i.e. the employed, unemployed and economically inactive persons.
Moreover, due to the revision of historical data related to the change of the basis for generalisation of the PL- LFS[2] results, the data for 2019-2020 recalculated after the changes introduced from 2021 were also presented in accordance with the new basis for generalisation of the results (according to the 2021 National Census).
The data correction in the following sheets of the Excel file: AGED 15 AND MORE; DEFINITIONS OBLIGATORY FROM 2021 ONWARDS and AGED 65-89; DEFINITIONS OBLIGATORY FROM 2021 ONWARDS within the range included in the file The range of data correction.
Added Excel files:
- Information of Statistics Poland concerning the results of the BAEL (Polish LFS) recalculated for the years 2019-2020 according to the NSP2021. Tables in XLSX fomat
- Information of Statistics Poland concerning the results of the BAEL (PolishLFS) additonal recalculated for the years 2019-2020 according to the NSP2021. Tables in XLSX fomat
[1] More information is available on Statistics Poland website:,22,1.html
[2] Since the fourth quarter of 2023, generalisation of the survey results over the general population has been carried out with the use of the data on resident population of Poland living in households coming from the balances compiled on the basis of the results of the Population and Housing Census 2021 (until Q3 2023, the results were generalised over the general population using population data from the balances compiled on the basis of the results of the 2011 National Census). Historical data for the period from Q1 2021 to Q3 2023 were recalculated in accordance with the new basis for generalisation of the results.