Vaccinations of children and youth

Frequency of data release: annualy
Type of observation period: yearly data
Available time series: 2010-2023
Disaggregation: Poland; Type of disease, Time/type of vaccination
Statistical concepts and definitions: Data concerning vaccinations indicate the percentage of children and youth who have been vaccinated against selected infectious disease in accordance with the mandatory vaccination schedule.
Additional methodological notes: In 2023, 97.5% of all 2-year-olds, 98.7% - of 3-year-olds, 97.9% - of 7-year-olds, 96.1% - of 11-year-olds, 95.0% - of 15-year-olds, 92.4% - of 20-year-olds and 94.2% - of girls aged 14 (rubella) owned immunization cards in health care facilities.
Additional methodological notes: In case of newborns vaccinations against tuberculosis (BCG) data concern share in the total number of registered live births.
Until 2017, girls aged 10 years and more vaccinated against rubella. From 2018 girls who received two doses of vaccine.
As of 31 December.
Data source, datadisposer: Data sets from information systems of National Institute of Public Health - National Institute of Hygiene - National Research Institute; results of surveys - Statistics Poland
Available data formats: xlsx, csv