Financial Results of Co-operating Savings and Credit Unions 2006-2010

The Central Statistical Office of Poland presents the first edition of ”Financial Results of Co-operating Savings and Credit Unions 2006-2010”. The main aim of this publication is to present the activity of co-operating savings and credit unions in Poland for the past 5 years. Data presented allows for advanced analysis of their development and financial results.
Data was acquired from the information system of the National Co-operative Savings and Credit Union.
This publication includes: methodical notes, together with basic definitions; a brief history of birth and development of co-operating savings and credit unions; discussion about their role in microfinancing in Europe and around the world; an analysis of Polish unions from the financial market perspective and a more detailed analysis of their financial results for the years 2006-2010.
Statistical appendix presents data from profit and loss accounts and also from general data showing deposits and credits in relation to total assets, to the amount of members and financial results.
Any comments and suggestions are very welcomed and will constitute a valuable input for subsequent releases of this publication.