Activity of enterprises. Activity of companies

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No. Type Document title Date Archive
1 Publication Selected entrepreneurship indicators in 2018–2022
27.06.2024 Archive Selected entrepreneurship indicators in 2018–2022
2 Statistics in focus Value chains of domestic enterprises in 2022
27.06.2024 Archive Value chains of domestic enterprises in 2022
3 Statistics in focus Financial results of enterprises in the 1st quarter of 2024
4 Statistics in focus Financial results of non-financial enterprises in the first quarter of 2024
27.05.2024 Archive Financial results of non-financial enterprises in the first quarter of 2024
5 Publication Financial results of non-financial enterprises in 01-12 2023
20.05.2024 Archive Financial results of non-financial enterprises in 01-12 2023
6 Statistics in focus Registrations and bankruptcies of enterprises in the 1st quarter of 2024
13.05.2024 Archive Registrations and bankruptcies of enterprises in the 1st quarter of 2024
7 Publication Activity of enterprises having foregin entities in 2022
30.04.2024 Archive Activity of enterprises having foregin entities in 2022
8 Statistics in focus Activity of enterprises having foregin entities in 2022
28.03.2024 Archive Activity of enterprises having foregin entities in 2022
9 Publication Non-financial enterprises established in 2018-2022
28.02.2024 Archive Non-financial enterprises established in 2018-2022
10 Publication Enterprise groups in Poland in 2022
31.01.2024 Archive Enterprise groups in Poland in 2022
11 Publication Financial results of non-financial enterprises in 2022 (balance sheet)
10.01.2024 Archive Financial results of non-financial enterprises in 2022 (balance sheet)
12 Publication Economic activity of enterprises with foreign capital in 2022
10.01.2024 Archive Economic activity of enterprises with foreign capital in 2022
13 Publication Activity of enterprises with up to 9 persons employed in 2022
28.12.2023 Archive Activity of enterprises with up to 9 persons employed in 2022
14 Publication Activity of non-financial enterprises in 2022
20.12.2023 Archive Activity of non-financial enterprises in 2022
15 Statistics in focus Economic activity of enterprises with foreign capital in 2022
28.11.2023 Archive Economic activity of enterprises with foreign capital in 2022
16 Statistics in focus Non-financial enterprises established in 2022
23.11.2023 Archive Non-financial enterprises established in 2022
17 Statistics in focus Financial instruments of non-financial enterprises in 2022
16.11.2023 Archive Financial instruments of non-financial enterprises in 2022
18 Statistics in focus Non-financial enterprises by kind and place of economic activity in 2022
30.10.2023 Archive Non-financial enterprises by kind and place of economic activity in 2022
19 Statistics in focus Financial results of non-financial enterprises for 2022 (balance sheet)
26.10.2023 Archive Financial results of non-financial enterprises for 2022 (balance sheet)
20 Statistics in focus Structural business statistics in 2021
23.08.2023 Archive Structural business statistics in 2021
21 Statistics in focus Business services in 2018
15.09.2020 Archive Business services in 2018
22 Publication Methodological report. Monthly activity report of enterprises
23 Publication Atlas of Enterprises
24 Publication Methodological report. Non-financial enterprises surveys 2019
25.02.2019 Archive Methodological report. Non-financial enterprises surveys 2019
25 Publication Creation and operation conditions, development prospects of polish enterprises established in the years 2009–2013
23.06.2015 Archive Creation and operation conditions, development prospects of polish enterprises established in the years 2009–2013
26 Publication Small and medium non-financial enterprises in Poland 2009-2013
