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Content 10
Economic aspects of environmental protection 2024
17.12.2024 -
The publication includes information on the scope and functioning forms of economic tools and means in undertakings targeted at environmental protection and water management, as well as information on environmental economic accounts, which are a statistical system bringing together economic and... Topics / Environment. Energy / Environment
Investment outlays and fixed assets in national economy in 2023
29.11.2024 -
The growth of investment outlays in national economy increased in comparison with the previous year by 8.1%. The gross value of fixed assets increased (in constant prices) by 4.1%. Correction of 4th December 2024 Was: Is: The growth of investment outlays in national economy increased in... Topics / Industry, Construction, Fixed Assets / Fixed Assets
Economic aspects of environmental protection 2023
14.12.2023 -
The publication includes information on the scope and functioning forms of economic tools and means in undertakings targeted at environmental protection and water management, as well as information on environmental economic accounts, which are a statistical system bringing together economic and... Topics / Environment. Energy / Environment
Investment outlays and fixed assets in national economy in 2022
30.11.2023 -
The growth of investment outlays in national economy increased in comparison with the previous year by 5.5%. The gross value of fixed assets increased (in constant prices) by 3.5%. In 2022 the value of investment outlays in national economy was 400 081 million PLN, of which the value of outlays... Topics / Industry, Construction, Fixed Assets / Fixed Assets
Economic aspects of environmental protection 2022
16.12.2022 -
The publication includes information on the scope and functioning forms of economic tools and means in undertakings targeted at environmental protection and water management, as well as information on environmental economic accounts, which are a statistical system bringing together economic and... Topics / Environment. Energy / Environment
Investment outlays and fixed assets in national economy in 2021
30.11.2022 -
The growth of investment outlays in national economy increased in comparison with the previous year by 6.3%. The gross value of fixed assets increased (in constant prices) by 3.4%.... Topics / Industry, Construction, Fixed Assets / Fixed Assets
Economic aspects of environmental protection 2021
17.12.2021 -
The publication includes information on the scope and functioning forms of economic tools and means in undertakings targeted at environmental protection and water management, as well as information on environmental economic accounts, which are a statistical system bringing together economic and... Topics / Environment. Energy / Environment
Investment outlays and fixed assets in national economy in 2020
30.11.2021 -
Update: 22.12.2021 The growth of investment outlays in national economy decreased in comparison with the previous year by 5.0%. The gross value of fixed assets increased (in constant prices) by 3.6% Investment outlays in national economy in 2020 In 2020 the value of investment outlays in national... Topics / Industry, Construction, Fixed Assets / Fixed Assets
Economic aspects of environmental protection 2020
31.12.2020 -
The publication includes information on the scope and functioning forms of economic tools and means in undertakings targeted at environmental protection and water management, as well as information on environmental economic accounts, which are a statistical system bringing together economic and... Topics / Environment. Energy / Environment
Economic aspects of environmental protection 2019
05.12.2019 -
The publication includes information on the scope and functioning forms of economic tools and means in undertakings targeted at environmental protection and water management, as well as information on environmental economic accounts, which are a statistical system bringing together economic and... Topics / Environment. Energy / Environment