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Content 19
Energy statistics in 2022 and 2023
28.11.2024 -
Analysis of the phenomena taking place in the field of energy economy, containing balances of all energy carriers included in the national energy balance. The balance sheets concern energy carriers supplied to the domestic market by existing distribution systems and carriers used for own needs by... Topics / Environment. Energy / Energy
Energy statistics in 2021 and 2022
28.11.2023 -
In the publication there are presented data on balances of all the energy commodities which constitute national energy balance. Information published in natural units and energy units (TJ). The balances contain data on all commercially on the auto-produced and self-consumed energy. In the... Topics / Environment. Energy / Energy
Energy statistics in 2020 and 2021
28.11.2022 -
In the publication there are presented data on balances of all the energy commodities which constitute national energy balance. Information published in natural units and energy units (TJ). The balances contain data on all commercially on the auto-produced and self-consumed energy. In the... Topics / Environment. Energy / Energy
Energy statistics in 2019 and 2020
29.10.2021 -
In the publication there are presented data on balances of all the energy commodities which constitute national energy balance. Information published in natural units and energy units (TJ). The balances contain data on all commercially on the auto-produced and self-consumed energy. In the... Topics / Environment. Energy / Energy
Energy statistics in 2018 and 2019
27.11.2020 -
In the publication there are presented data on balances of all the energy commodities which constitute national energy balance. Information published in natural units and energy units (TJ). The balances contain data on all commercially on the auto-produced and self-consumed energy. In the... Topics / Environment. Energy / Energy
Energy statistics in 2017 and 2018
15.11.2019 -
A synthetic energy balance, balances of energy conversion and balances for specific carriers. Energy balances in the industry, transport and construction. Direct energy consumption in agriculture, households and other users. Energy consumption for selected products and uses. Prices of selected... Topics / Environment. Energy / Energy
Energy statistics in 2016 and 2017
09.11.2018 -
A synthetic energy balance, balances of energy conversion and balances for specific carriers. Energy balances in the industry, transport and construction. Direct energy consumption in agriculture, households and other users. Energy consumption for selected products and uses. Prices of selected... Topics / Environment. Energy / Energy
Energy statistics in 2015 and 2016
27.10.2017 -
Synthetic balance of energy, balance of energy conversion as well as balance of individual carriers. Direct energy consumption by households and other users. Energy consumption per selected goods and directions of use. Purchase prices of selected energy carriers. Information published in natural... Topics / Environment. Energy / Energy
Energy statistics in 2014 and 2015
18.11.2016 -
Synthetic balance of energy, balance of energy conversion as well as balance of individual carriers. Direct energy consumption by households and other users. Energy consumption per selected goods and directions of use. Purchase prices of selected energy carriers. Information published in natural... Topics / Environment. Energy / Energy
Energy statistics in 2013 and 2014
05.11.2015 -
Synthetic balance of energy, balance of energy conversion as well as balance of individual carriers. Direct energy consumption by households and other users. Energy consumption per selected goods and directions of use. Purchase prices of selected energy carriers. Information published in natural... Topics / Environment. Energy / Energy
Energy statistics in 2012 and 2013
07.11.2014 -
Synthetic balance of energy, balance of energy conversion as well as balance of individual carriers. Direct energy consumption by households and other users. Energy consumption per selected goods and directions of use. Purchase prices of selected energy carriers. Information published in natural... Topics / Environment. Energy / Energy
Energy statistics 2011, 2012
06.11.2013 -
Synthetic balance of energy, balance of energy conversion as well as balance of individual carriers. Direct energy consumption by households and other users. Energy consumption per selected goods and directions of use. Purchase prices of selected energy carriers. Information published in natural... Topics / Environment. Energy / Energy
Energy statistics 2010, 2011
10.01.2012 -
Energy statistics 2010, 2011... Topics / Environment. Energy / Energy
Energy statistics 2009, 2010
10.01.2011 -
Energy statistics 2009, 2010... Topics / Environment. Energy / Energy
Energy statistics 2008, 2009
10.01.2010 -
Energy statistics 2008, 2009... Topics / Environment. Energy / Energy
Energy statistics 2007, 2008
10.01.2009 -
Energy statistics 2007, 2008... Topics / Environment. Energy / Energy
Energy statistics 2006, 2007
10.01.2008 -
Energy statistics 2006, 2007... Topics / Environment. Energy / Energy
Energy statistics 2005, 2006
10.01.2007 -
Energy statistics 2005, 2006... Topics / Environment. Energy / Energy
Energy statistics 2004, 2005
10.01.2006 -
Energy statistics 2004, 2005... Topics / Environment. Energy / Energy