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Science and technology in 2022
28.03.2024 -
Analysis of indicators related to statistics on science and technology: research and development activities (R&D), innovative activities of industrial companies and in the services sector, industrial property protection, biotechnology, nanotechnology, production, employment, and trade according to... Topics / Science and Technology / Science and Technology
Science and technology in 2021
30.03.2023 -
Data and indicators related to statistics on science and technology: research and development activities (R&D), innovative activities of industrial companies and in the services sector, industrial property, biotechnology, nanotechnology, production, paid employment, and trade according to... Topics / Science and Technology / Science and Technology
Science and technology in 2020
30.03.2022 -
Data and indicators related to statistics on science and technology: research and development activities (R&D), innovative activities of industrial companies and in the services sector, industrial property, biotechnology, nanotechnology, production, paid employment, and trade according to... Topics / Science and Technology / Science and Technology
Science and technology in 2019
30.03.2021 -
Data and indicators related to statistics on science and technology: research and development activities (R&D), innovative activities of industrial companies and in the services sector, industrial property, biotechnology, nanotechnology, production, paid employment, and trade according to... Topics / Science and Technology / Science and Technology
Science and technology in 2018
30.03.2020 -
Data and indicators related to statistics on science and technology: research and development activities (R&D), innovative activities of industrial companies and in the services sector, industrial property, biotechnology, nanotechnology, production, paid employment, and trade according to... Topics / Science and Technology / Science and Technology
Science and technology in 2017
29.03.2019 -
Data and indicators in the field of statistics of science and technology concerning, among others research and development (B+R), innovative activities of industrial enterprises and in the services sector, protection of industrial property, biotechnology and nanotechnology as well as human... Topics / Science and Technology / Science and Technology
Science and technology in Poland in 2016
30.04.2018 -
Data and indices from the field of science and technology statistics: research and development (R&D) activities, pro-innovation activities of industrial enterprises and in the sector of services, industrial property protection and human resources for science and technology.... Topics / Science and Technology / Science and Technology