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Content 9
Health and health care in 2023
20.12.2024 -
Analysis devoted entirely to the issues of health and health care. It consists of a methodological and analytical part as well as tabular annex (in electronic version). The methodological notes contain not only key methodological explanations, but also information on data sources and definitions... Topics / Health / Health
Accidents at work in 2023
29.11.2024 -
Accidents at work of persons employed in the national economy, excluding budgetary entities conducting activity within the scope of the national defence and public safety, where the data refer only to civilian employees. One-off compensations in respect of accidents at work of self-employed... Topics / Labour Market / Working conditions. Accidents at work
Health care in households in 2023
28.11.2024 -
The results of a cyclical, voluntary sample survey conducted on a sample of households covered by the Household Budget Survey, including methodological notes and a comprehensive analytical comment. Information on, among others, the perceived health condition and the degree of disability of... Topics / Health / Health
Incidences of tuberculosis, syphilis and measles
14.10.2024 -
Tuberculosis Frequency of data release: annualy Type of observation period: yearly data Available time series: 2009-2023 Disaggregation: Poland; sex; age groups Statistical concepts and definitions: Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by mycobacteria belonging to the Mycobacterium... Topics / Health / Health
Accidents at work in 2022
30.11.2023 -
Accidents at work of persons employed in the national economy, excluding budgetary entities conducting activity within the scope of national defence and public safety for which the data concern only civilian employees. One-off compensations in respect of accidents at work of persons conducting... Topics / Labour Market / Working conditions. Accidents at work
Accidents at work in 2021
30.11.2022 -
Accidents at work of persons employed in the national economy, excluding budgetary entities conducting activity within the scope of national defence and public safety for which the data concern only civilian employees. One-off compensations in respect of accidents at work of persons conducting... Topics / Labour Market / Working conditions. Accidents at work
Accidents at work in 2020
30.11.2021 -
Accidents at work of persons employed in the national economy, excluding budgetary entities conducting activity within the scope of national defence and public safety for which the data concern only civilian employees. One-off compensations in respect of accidents at work of persons conducting... Topics / Labour Market / Working conditions. Accidents at work
Accidents at work in 2019
30.11.2020 -
Accidents at work of persons employed in the national economy, excluding budgetary entities conducting activity within the scope of the national defence and public safety for which the data concern only civilian employees. One-off compensations for accidents at work of persons conducting economic... Topics / Labour Market / Working conditions. Accidents at work
Accidents at work in 2018
29.11.2019 -
Accidents at work of persons employed in the national economy, excluding budgetary entities conducting activity within the scope of the national defence and public safety for which the data concern only civilian employees. One-time compensations for accidents at work of persons conducting economic... Topics / Labour Market / Working conditions. Accidents at work