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Basic data from Labour Force Survey (LFS) seasonally adjusted in years 2010-2024
23.12.2024 -
Frequency of data release: quarterly Type of observation period: quarterly data Available time series: 1. Quarter 2010 - 3. Quarter 2024 Disaggregation: Poland Statistical concepts and definitions (obligatory in 2021): Employed persons are all persons aged 15-89 years who during the reference... Topics / Labour Market / Working. Unemployed. Economically inactive by LFS
Social assistance, child and family services in 2023
30.09.2024 -
Analysis of the situation in the area of family support and social assistance. Basic information on institutional foster care facilities (care and education centres, regional care and therapy centres, pre-adoptive intervention centres) and family foster care (foster families, foster homes), as... Topics / Living conditions / Social assistance
Family benefits in 2023
26.09.2024 -
In 2023, PLN 12.3 billion was allocated to support families in the form of family benefits. Nearly PLN 1.6 billion was spent on social security and health insurance contributions. Moreover, PLN 2.2 billion was paid out from the family care capital, and PLN 1.4 billion under the "Good Start"... Topics / Children and family / Family
Methodological report. Supporting the family and foster care system
11.07.2024 -
The goal of the study is to present the methodology of research on institutional and family foster care and day-support centres providing care and education to children as well as the youths who are entirely or partially deprived of care and support from their natural families. The survey “Family... Topics / Children and family / Family
Stationary social welfare facilities in 2023
14.05.2024 -
In the country there were 2 138 stationary social welfare facilities, which had 132.6 thousand places in total. 121.9 thousand residents stayed in stationary social welfare facilities, including 60.5 thousand women. Social assistance houses accounted for 42.3% of all stationary social welfare... Topics / Living conditions / Social assistance
Foster care in 2023
09.05.2024 -
At the end of 2023, in foster care there were 75.3 thousand children, including 58.2 thousand in family foster care and 17.1 thousand in institutional foster care. In comparison to 2022, the number of children in foster care increased by 3.5%. At the end of 2023 family foster care functioned in... Topics / Children and family / Children
Social assistance, child and family services in 2022
05.10.2023 -
The elaboration includes an analysis of the forms and territorial distribution of institutional and family foster care in Poland. It covers the issue of adoptions, the role of day-support centres and other forms of family support, forms of childcare for children up to the age of 3, also assistance... Topics / Living conditions / Social assistance
Family benefits in 2022
28.09.2023 -
In 2022, PLN 11.4 billion was allocated to support families in the form of family benefits. PLN 1.2 billion was spent on social security and health insurance contributions. In addition, PLN 3.5 billion was paid out from the family care capital, and PLN 1.4 billion under the "Good Start" programme.... Topics / Children and family / Family
Stationary social welfare facilities in 2022
18.05.2023 -
As of 31 December 2022, in Poland there were 2 082 stationary social welfare facilities, which had 131.5 thousand places in total. 118.8 thousand residents stayed in stationary social welfare facilities, including 58.6 thousand women. Social assistance houses accounted for over 43% of all... Topics / Living conditions / Social assistance
Infographic - International Family Day 15 May
15.05.2023 -
... Infographics and widgets / Infographics
Social assistance, child and family services in 2021
30.09.2022 -
The elaboration includes an analysis of the forms and territorial distribution of institutional and family foster care in Poland. It covers the issue of adoptions, the role of day-support centres and other forms of family support, forms of childcare for children up to the age of 3, also assistance... Topics / Living conditions / Social assistance
Family benefits in 2021
29.09.2022 -
In 2021, PLN 11.0 billion was allocated to support families in Poland in the form of family benefits, and they were used on average by 1.5 million beneficiaries monthly[1]. Benefits from the alimony fund were paid in the total amount of PLN 1.0 billion. As part of the government programme "Family... Topics / Children and family / Family
Methodological report. Supporting the family and foster care system
09.09.2022 -
We would like to present to you the methodological study “Family support and foster care system” developed by the Centre of Social Assistance Statistics in the Statistical Office in Krakow. The goal of the study is to present the methodology of research on institutional and family foster care and... Topics / Children and family / Family
Stationary social welfare facilities in 2021
23.05.2022 -
As of 31 December 2021, in Poland there were 2 015 stationary social welfare facilities, which had 127.3 thousand places in total in all facilities. 114.3 thousand residents stayed in stationary social welfare facilities, including 55.5 thousand women. Social assistance houses amounted to nearly... Topics / Living conditions / Social assistance
Infographic - International Family Day 15 May
13.05.2022 -
... Infographics and widgets / Infographics
Family benefits in 2020
30.09.2021 -
In 2020, PLN 10.8 billion was allocated to support families in Poland in the form of family benefits, and they were used on average by nearly 2.0 million beneficiaries monthly. Benefits from the alimony fund were paid in the total amount of PLN 1.1 billion. As part of the government programme... Topics / Children and family / Family
Stationary social welfare facilities in 2020
25.05.2021 -
As of 31 December 2020, in Poland there were 1 851 stationary social welfare facilities and 48 branches. There were 119.3 thousand places in total in all facilities. 105.2 thousand residents stayed in stationary social welfare facilities, including 49.9 thousand women.... Topics / Living conditions / Social assistance
Infographic - International Family Day
14.05.2021 -
... Infographics and widgets / Infographics
Family benefits in 2019
30.09.2020 -
In 2019, PLN 10.3 billion was allocated to support families in Poland in the form of family benefits, and they were used on average by nearly 1.9 million beneficiaries monthly . Benefits from the alimony fund were paid in the total amount of PLN 1.1 billion. As part of the government programme... Topics / Children and family / Family
Stationary social welfare facilities in 2019
25.05.2020 -
As of 31st December 2019, in Poland there were 1 837 stationary social welfare facilities and 49 branches, with 118.9 thousand places. 112.5 thousand residents stayed in stationary social welfare facilities, including 53.9 thousand women.... Topics / Living conditions / Social assistance
Methodological report. Benefits for the family and their beneficiaries
11.05.2020 -
The aim of the survey "Benefits for the family" is to obtain information on the size of expenditure from the state budget and local government units allocated for cash benefits addressed to persons and families in the form of family benefits, alimony fund benefits and pro-family reliefs. The... Topics / Children and family / Family
Infographic - Children's Day (June 1st)
31.05.2019 -
... Infographics and widgets / Infographics