You looked for: tag:crop production
Content 22
Agriculture in 2023
28.11.2024 -
An evaluation of situation in agriculture in terms of changes in the production - economic conditions and production results (harvest quantity, trends in changes of farm animals population as well as the level of production and market supply of animal products), including consumption of means of... Topics / Agriculture. Forestry / Agriculture
Preliminary estimate of the main agricultural and horticultural crops in 2024
31.07.2024 -
The results of the preliminary production estimate for the main agricultural and horticultural crops in 2024 are as follows: production of basic cereals with cereal mixtures is provisionally estimated at 25.6 million tonnes, i.e. about 4% less than last year's harvest; rape and turnip rape... Topics / Agriculture. Forestry / Agricultural and horticultural crops
Production of agricultural and horticultural crops in 2023
30.04.2024 -
The results of the final estimates of the production of agricultural crops, fodder crops according to the directions of use (for grain, green forage, for plowing - green manure) and the production of vegetables, fruit from trees and berries. 13 May 2024 Data correction In table 23 correction of... Topics / Agriculture. Forestry / Agricultural and horticultural crops
Agriculture in 2022
30.11.2023 -
An evaluation of situation in in agriculture in terms of changes in the production - economic conditions and production results (harvest quantity, trends in changes of farm animals population as well as the level of production and market supply of animal products), including consumption of means... Topics / Agriculture. Forestry / Agriculture
Agriculture in 2021
29.11.2022 -
An evaluation of situation in in agriculture in terms of changes in the production - economic conditions and production results (harvest quantity, trends in changes of farm animals population as well as the level of production and market supply of animal products), including consumption of means... Topics / Agriculture. Forestry / Agriculture
Agriculture in 2020
30.11.2021 -
An evaluation of situation in in agriculture in terms of changes in the production - economic conditions and production results (harvest quantity, trends in changes of farm animals population as well as the level of production and market supply of animal products), including consumption of means... Topics / Agriculture. Forestry / Agriculture
Agriculture in 2019
06.07.2020 -
Assessment of the situation in agriculture in terms of changes in the production- economic conditions and production results (harvest quantity, change tendencies innumbers of farm animals, as well as the level of production and market supply of animal products), including consumption of means of... Topics / Agriculture. Forestry / Agriculture
Agriculture in 2018
29.07.2019 -
An assessment of situation in agriculture in regard to changes in production and economic conditions and production performance (harvest volume, trends in farm animal numbers and production and market supply of animal products), including consumption of means of production.... Topics / Agriculture. Forestry / Agriculture
Agriculture in 2017
03.08.2018 -
An assessment of situation in agriculture in regard to changes in production and economic conditions and production performance (harvest volume, trends in farm animal numbers and production and market supply of animal products), including consumption of means of production.... Topics / Agriculture. Forestry / Agriculture
Agriculture in 2016
28.09.2017 -
An evaluation of situation in agriculture with respect to change in produciton-and-economic conditions and prodaction results (harvest level, trends in livestock growth and level of output and market supply of animal production) against a background of use of production factors.... Topics / Agriculture. Forestry / Agriculture
Agriculture in 2015
01.07.2016 -
An evaluation of situation in agriculture with respect to change in produciton-and-economic conditions and prodaction results (harvest level, trends in livestock growth and level of output and market supply of animal production) against a background of use of production factors.... Topics / Agriculture. Forestry / Agriculture
Agriculture in 2014
10.07.2015 -
An evaluation of situation in agriculture with respect to change in produciton-and-economic conditions and prodaction results (harvest level, trends in livestock growth and level of output and market supply of animal production) against a background of use of production factors.... Topics / Agriculture. Forestry / Agriculture
Agriculture in 2013
25.08.2014 -
An evaluation of situation in agriculture with respect to change in produciton-and-economic conditions and prodaction results (harvest level, trends in livestock growth and level of output and market supply of animal production) against a background of use of production factors.... Topics / Agriculture. Forestry / Agriculture
Agriculture in 2012
05.07.2013 -
An evaluation of situation in agriculture with respect to change in produciton-and-economic conditions and prodaction results (harvest level, trends in livestock growth and level of output and market supply of animal production) against a background of use of production factors.... Topics / Agriculture. Forestry / Agriculture
Agriculture in 2009
10.01.2010 -
Agriculture in 2009... Topics / Agriculture. Forestry / Agriculture
Agriculture in 2008
10.01.2009 -
Agriculture in 2008... Topics / Agriculture. Forestry / Agriculture
Agriculture in 2007
10.01.2008 -
Agriculture in 2007... Topics / Agriculture. Forestry / Agriculture
Agriculture in 2006
10.01.2007 -
Agriculture in 2006... Topics / Agriculture. Forestry / Agriculture
Agriculture in 2005
10.01.2006 -
Agriculture in 2005... Topics / Agriculture. Forestry / Agriculture
Agriculture in the first half-year of 2005
01.07.2005 -
Agriculture in the first half-year of 2005... Topics / Agriculture. Forestry / Agriculture
Agriculture in the first half-year of 2004
01.07.2004 -
Agriculture in the first half-year of 2004... Topics / Agriculture. Forestry / Agriculture
Agriculture in 2003
10.01.2004 -
Agriculture in 2003... Topics / Agriculture. Forestry / Agriculture