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Content 30
Statistical Yearbook of Agriculture 2024
23.12.2024 -
Comprehensive information on results of agricultural production, agricultural production-economic conditions, balance production settlement of vital (major) agricultural products, supply and consumption of production means and information showing the income situation in agriculture. Update... Topics / Statistical yearbooks / Statistical Yearbooks
Agriculture in 2023
28.11.2024 -
An evaluation of situation in agriculture in terms of changes in the production - economic conditions and production results (harvest quantity, trends in changes of farm animals population as well as the level of production and market supply of animal products), including consumption of means of... Topics / Agriculture. Forestry / Agriculture
Means of production in agriculture in the 2022/2023 farming year
28.11.2024 -
Basic information on the consumption of fertilizers in the 2022/2023 farming year by groups of mineral fertilizers, i.e.: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and lime, with a separate group of lime-magnesium fertilizers and natural fertilizers. Information on the number of tractors and farms equipped... Topics / Agriculture. Forestry / Agriculture
Poland in the European Union 2024
31.07.2024 -
Brochure presenting in a concise and transparent form a cross-sectional collection of information illustrating living standard and economy of Poland as compared to other European Union members. The publication in the form of charts, maps, tables and infographics covers key data from various... Topics / Other studies / Other Aggregated Studies
Statistical Yearbook of Agriculture 2023
21.12.2023 -
Comprehensive information on results of agricultural production, agricultural production-economic conditions, balance production settlement of vital (major) agricultural products, supply and consumption of production means and information showing the income situation in agriculture. Update... Topics / Statistical yearbooks / Statistical Yearbooks
Prices of agricultural products in November 2023
20.12.2023 -
Procurement prices of basic agricultural products[1] increased in November 2023 in comparison with the previous month (by 0.4%), while compared to the corresponding period of the last year decreased (by 18.6%). [1] Wheat, rye, cattle for slaughter, pigs for slaughter, poultry, cows’ milk... Topics / Prices, Trade / Prices
Agriculture in 2022
30.11.2023 -
An evaluation of situation in in agriculture in terms of changes in the production - economic conditions and production results (harvest quantity, trends in changes of farm animals population as well as the level of production and market supply of animal products), including consumption of means... Topics / Agriculture. Forestry / Agriculture
Poland in the European Union 2023
27.07.2023 -
Brochure presenting in a concise and transparent form a cross-sectional collection of information illustrating living standard and economy of Poland as compared to other European Union members. The publication in the form of charts, maps, tables and infographics covers key data from various... Topics / Other studies / Other Aggregated Studies
Statistical Yearbook of Agriculture 2022
23.03.2023 -
Comprehensive information on results of agricultural production, agricultural production-economic conditions, balance production settlement of vital (major) agricultural products, supply and consumption of production means and information showing the income situation in agriculture.... Topics / Statistical yearbooks / Statistical Yearbooks
Agriculture in 2021
29.11.2022 -
An evaluation of situation in in agriculture in terms of changes in the production - economic conditions and production results (harvest quantity, trends in changes of farm animals population as well as the level of production and market supply of animal products), including consumption of means... Topics / Agriculture. Forestry / Agriculture
Poland in the European Union 2022
27.07.2022 -
Brochure presenting in a concise and transparent form a cross-sectional collection of information illustrating living standard and economy of Poland as compared to other European Union members. The publication in the form of charts, maps, tables and infographics covers key data from various... Topics / Other studies / Other Aggregated Studies
Statistical Yearbook of Agriculture 2021
28.03.2022 -
Comprehensive information on results of agricultural production, agricultural production-economic conditions, balance production settlement of vital (major) agricultural products, supply and consumption of production means and information showing the income situation in agriculture.... Topics / Statistical yearbooks / Statistical Yearbooks
Agriculture in 2020
30.11.2021 -
An evaluation of situation in in agriculture in terms of changes in the production - economic conditions and production results (harvest quantity, trends in changes of farm animals population as well as the level of production and market supply of animal products), including consumption of means... Topics / Agriculture. Forestry / Agriculture
Poland in the European Union 2021
28.07.2021 -
Brochure presenting in a concise and transparent form a cross-sectional collection of information illustrating living standard and economy of Poland as compared to other European Union members. The publication in the form of charts, maps, tables and infographics covers key data from various... Topics / Other studies / Other Aggregated Studies
Statistical Yearbook of Agriculture 2020
26.03.2021 -
Comprehensive information on results of agricultural production, agricultural production-economic conditions, balance production settlement of vital (major) agricultural products, supply and consumption of production means and information showing the income situation in agriculture.... Topics / Statistical yearbooks / Statistical Yearbooks
Poland in the European Union 2020
27.07.2020 -
Brochure presenting in a concise and transparent form a cross-sectional collection of information illustrating living standard and economy of Poland as compared to other European Union members. The publication in the form of charts, maps, tables and infographics covers key data from various... Topics / Other studies / Other Aggregated Studies
Agriculture in 2019
06.07.2020 -
Assessment of the situation in agriculture in terms of changes in the production- economic conditions and production results (harvest quantity, change tendencies innumbers of farm animals, as well as the level of production and market supply of animal products), including consumption of means of... Topics / Agriculture. Forestry / Agriculture
Statistical Yearbook of Agriculture 2019
04.05.2020 -
Comprehensive information on the results of agricultural production, production and economic conditions of agriculture, the balance sheet of major agricultural products, the supply and consumption expenditure on the means of production, and information on the income situation in agriculture.... Topics / Statistical yearbooks / Statistical Yearbooks
Poland in the European Union 2019
31.07.2019 -
Brochure, presenting in a concise and transparent form a cross-sectional collection of information illustrating living standard and economy of Poland as compared to other European Union members. The publication in the form of charts, maps, tables and infographics covers key data, in particular on... Topics / Other studies / Other Aggregated Studies
Agriculture in 2018
29.07.2019 -
An assessment of situation in agriculture in regard to changes in production and economic conditions and production performance (harvest volume, trends in farm animal numbers and production and market supply of animal products), including consumption of means of production.... Topics / Agriculture. Forestry / Agriculture
Statistical Yearbook of Agriculture 2018
28.02.2019 -
Comprehensive information on the results of agricultural production, production and economic conditions of agriculture, the balance sheet of major agricultural products, the supply and consumption expenditure on the means of production, and information on the income situation in agriculture.... Topics / Statistical yearbooks / Statistical Yearbooks
Agriculture in 2017
03.08.2018 -
An assessment of situation in agriculture in regard to changes in production and economic conditions and production performance (harvest volume, trends in farm animal numbers and production and market supply of animal products), including consumption of means of production.... Topics / Agriculture. Forestry / Agriculture
Poland in the European Union 2018
23.07.2018 -
Brochure, presenting in a concise and transparent form a cross-sectional collection of information illustrating living standard and economy of Poland as compared to other European Union members. The publication in the form of charts, maps, tables and infographics covers key data, in particular on... Topics / Other studies / Other Aggregated Studies
Statistical Yearbook of Agriculture 2017
02.03.2018 -
Comprehensive information on the results of agricultural production, production and economic conditions of agriculture, the balance sheet of major agricultural products, the supply and consumption expenditure on the means of production, and information on the income situation in agriculture.... Topics / Statistical yearbooks / Statistical Yearbooks
Agriculture in 2016
28.09.2017 -
An evaluation of situation in agriculture with respect to change in produciton-and-economic conditions and prodaction results (harvest level, trends in livestock growth and level of output and market supply of animal production) against a background of use of production factors.... Topics / Agriculture. Forestry / Agriculture
Poland in the European Union 2017
18.07.2017 -
Brochure, presenting in a concise and transparent form a cross-sectional collection of information illustrating living standard and economy of Poland as compared to other European Union members. The publication in the form of charts, maps, tables and infographics covers key data, in particular on... Topics / Other studies / Other Aggregated Studies
Statistical Yearbook of Agriculture 2016
14.02.2017 -
Comprehensive information on the results of agricultural production, production and economic conditions of agriculture, the balance sheet of major agricultural products, the supply and consumption expenditure on the means of production, and information on the income situation in agriculture.... Topics / Statistical yearbooks / Statistical Yearbooks
Poland in the European Union 2016
06.07.2016 -
A folder publication containing information on Poland against the background of other European countries.... Topics / Other studies / Other Aggregated Studies
Agriculture in 2015
01.07.2016 -
An evaluation of situation in agriculture with respect to change in produciton-and-economic conditions and prodaction results (harvest level, trends in livestock growth and level of output and market supply of animal production) against a background of use of production factors.... Topics / Agriculture. Forestry / Agriculture
Statistical Yearbook of Agriculture 2015
11.03.2016 -
Comprehensive information on the results of agricultural production, production and economic conditions of agriculture, the balance sheet of major agricultural products, the supply and consumption expenditure on the means of production, and information on the income situation in agriculture.... Topics / Statistical yearbooks / Statistical Yearbooks