Basic statistics on cities by Degurba classification (Urban Audit) | |
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Project City statistics (Urban Audit) is a joint initiative of the European Commission and Eurostat, representing a response to the growing information needs on cities. The main objective of the program is to provide objective and comparable statistics on European cities, among others, in the scope of demography, household structure, housing, employment, education, environment, transport, culture and tourism. Eurostat is the coordinator of the work, and the performers are national statistical offices, city halls and local governments. More...
Survey of employment-related population movements in 2006 | |
In 2009 in the Centre for Urban Statistics of the Statistical Office in Poznań, the survey of employment-related population movements in Poland in 2006 was carried out. The objective of the survey was to provide estimation data concerning population commuting to work and the directions and intensity of commuting on the basis of data from the POLTAX base provided by the Ministry of Finance. More… |
Commuting to work in Poland – results of the National Census of Population and Housing 2011 |
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Commuting to work survey in 2011 was conducted based on data contained in administrative registers, acquired by public statistics for the purposes of the National Census of Population and Housing 2011. The methodology of this study is based on earlier work carried out under the project " Survey of employment-related population movements in 2006." This time, the existing data source for this topic (tax records) have been enriched by the resources of other administrators of data. Derived from these sources information significantly increased (compared with 2006) possibility of territorial identification of the main place of work of employees, and commuters among them. More… |
The survey of cross-border areas and euroregional statistics | |
The survey of goods and services turnover in border traffic is an element of the survey of socio-economic processes in transborder areas. The survey was reactivated under new conditions, i.e. the conditions of Poland’s joining the Schengen zone and signing the agreement on small border traffic in 2008 between Poland and Ukraine. The objective of the study was to obtain information from foreigners departing from Poland and Poles arriving back in Poland on the amount of expenditure connected with their stay respectively in Poland and abroad, including the purchase of goods and payment for services, with stating the structure of the expenditure incurred. The survey was identified as one of the priorities by the Commission for Cross-border Cooperation acting in the Polish-Ukrainian Intergovernmental Coordination Council for Interregional Cooperation during the meeting in Lutsk in December 2008. More… |