The monograph Current challenges in survey research: Graham Kalton on probability and nonprobability sampling, Malay Ghosh on small area estimation, with comments

The monograph entitled Current challenges in survey research: Graham Kalton on probability and nonprobability sampling, Malay Ghosh on small area estimation, with comments, under the scientific editing of Włodzimierz Okrasa and Dominik Rozkrut (volume 5 of the Statistical Research Papers series), celebrates the 30th anniversary of the founding of the Statistics in Transition new series journal and the publication of its 100th issue.
The monograph contains scientific articles from SiTns special issues, written by internationally recognised statisticians who joined the discussion on topics crucial to the development of modern statistics. The publication includes an appendix with tables of contents and prefaces of the special issues published in 2015–2023.
The monograph is available at: