The European Statistical System Report 2014

The aim of “The ESS Report" is to allow its readers an insider's view into the world of European statistics, produced and disseminated by the European Statistical System (ESS).
The current issue explains the organisation of the ESS, presents an overview of its key initiatives in 2014 and focuses, in two separate articles, on the challenges linked to the measurement of globalisation and the modernised methodology for the calculation of GDP, the European System of National and Regional Accounts (ESA 2010), successfully introduced across the ESS last year.
Stefan Lundgren, Head of the ESS Partnership Group, uniting Directors-General of the National Statistical Institutes, outlines the main challenges for the European Statistical System, while Andreas Georgiou and Giorgio Alleva, Directors-General of the Statistical Institutes of Greece and Italy summarise the main results of the European Council Presidencies held by their countries last year.
Finally, Ineke Stoop, Chair of the European Statistical Advisory Committee (ESAC), which represents a wide range of private and institutional statistics users, explains ESAC's work and mission.
The magazine also features contributions from individual Member States on the above topics.