Statistics Poland's Day 2024

On 2 December 2008, at the meeting of the Committee on Statistics and Econometrics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, the General Council of the Polish Statistical Association, the Committee on Statistics and Econometrics of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the President of Statistics Poland adopted a resolution on establishing 9 March as the Day of Polish Statistics.
Since then, we have celebrated this special day for statisticians every year. The date is not accidental. The holiday commemorates a session of the Four-Year Sejm held in 1789, during which the renowned expert in economic affairs, Fryderyk Józef Moszyński, justified taking a statistical census on the Polish territories. It was then decided that the first general census should be taken on the territory of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, under the name of 'Lustration of Houses and Enumeration of Population'.
The celebrations of the Day of Polish Statistics are intended to promote and popularise statistics as a science and public statistics. They are also an opportunity to inform the public about the results of scientific statistical research and the development of statistical knowledge.
Public statistics is the daily fulfilment of an important mission to provide society, public authorities and the international community with statistical data showing the state and changes in the social and economic life of the country. The constant concern of the employees of Polish public statistics is to ensure universal, free and friendly access to statistical data.
On the occasion of the Day of Polish Statistics, we would like to express our sincere thanks to all those involved in statistics and involved in its development. We would like to thank them for their efforts, without which we would have no knowledge of many demographic, social and economic phenomena.