Statistics Poland staff article honoured at CIRET international conference in Istanbul.

On 13-17 September 2022, the 36th International Conference of the Centre for International Research on Economic Tendency Surveys (CIRET) was held in Istanbul, co-organised by the KOF Swiss Economic Institute in Zurich , the United Nations (Statistics Division) and Marmara University Faculty of Economics in Istanbul.
The main objective of the conference is to exchange ideas and views and to deepen cooperation between researchers and practitioners conducting economic conjuncture analysis. The conference was attended by researchers and practitioners representing various research centres, including The Conference Board, the European Commission, the European Central Bank, economic universities, central banks and statistical offices. The individual sessions of the conference dealt with: business cycle surveys and their applications, new forecasting methods, business cycle analyses and real-time forecasts.
Statistics Poland has been a member of CIRET since 1996. At this year's conference the StatisticsPoland was represented by Mariusz Górajski and Magdalena Ulrichs from the Department of Macroeconomic Studies and Finance, who presented a paper entitled Micro-Founded Output Gaps Estimations with Business Tendency Survey Data: Sectoral and regional output gap decompositions in Poland.
During the conference, the Isaac Kerstenetzky prizes were awarded for the best articles and presentations given during the conference. A paper, whose authors are Mirosław Błażej, Mariusz Górajski and Magdalena Ulrichs, was among the awarded works.
Isaac Kerstenetzky was the initiator of surveys of economic prosperity in Latin America. The Isaac Kerstenetzky Prize has been awarded since 2008 to promote research on economic development using survey data on economic and consumer prosperity.
Congratulations to the staff of the MS Department for winning this award!