Poland once again at the top of the Open Data Inventory ranking

Poland once again at the top of the Open Data Inventory ranking
The cyclical Open Data Inventory (ODIN) ranking assesses the degree of coverage and openness of data presented by national statistical offices. Poland in this edition maintained its 2nd place among 195 countries in the world! (the results were verified on August 9, 2023)
The Statistics Poland’s excellent score (the total indicator amounted to 87 points and was better than that obtained in 2020 by 2 points) was made up of the following sub-scores: the level of accessibility of subject coverage (81 points, 1st place in the world!) and the degree of openness of data (92 points, promotion from 8th to 4th position and improvement in relation to the previous ranking by 3 points). In the ranking announced this year, the leaders included: Singapore (90.0 points), Poland (87.0 points) and Denmark (86.7 points). As in previous years, our country was rated highest among Eastern European countries in both categories.
ODIN's overall score shows the scale of the data released that is important for the sustainable development monitoring, as well as the level of openness of the data published by national statistical offices. The review takes into account whether indicators describing selected areas of socio-economic life and the environment are published, the length of time series, the provision of information at sub-national territorial levels. It is also important whether the data published are non-proprietary and without license restrictions, in machine-readable formats, whether they are downloadable via API or bulk download, with an appropriate scope of metadata.
The Open Data Inventory ranking has been carried out since 2015 by Open Data Watch - an international, non-profit organization of data experts working to bring change to organizations that produce and manage official statistical data.
The entire Report is available at: https://odin.opendatawatch.com/, and detailed information on Poland's results: https://odin.opendatawatch.com/Report/countryProfileUpdated/POL?year=2022