Inauguration ceremony of twinning project with Cambodia.

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The title of the implemented project is ‘Enhancing the quality of the statistical system in Cambodia’The project consortium is formed by statistical offices from #Italy, #France, #Lithuania and #Poland with Società Geografica Italiana, with the Statistics Poland acting as Junior Member State Partner. Poland is represented in the Cambodian capital by the #Polish Embassy in Bangkok. From the Statistics Poland's side, a keynote speech by the President of Statistics Poland titled ‘Equality, impartiality, independence, accountability and transparency:  the core values of official statistics will be screened during the session.

Twinning is one of the European Commission's flagship development cooperation programs for public administrations. It is expected to transfer good administrative practices of EU member states to twin units in the recipient country and to contribute to supporting public sector reforms, here specifically in the field of statistics. 

