8th Expert Meeting on Statistics for Sustainable Development Goals & 2024 Workshop on Statistics for SDGs, c-led by Statistics Poland

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On 15-17 October this year, in Tirana (the capital of Albania), the Workshop & Expert Meeting on Statistics for Sustainable Development Goals are of the 2030 Agenda are held, co-led by Statistics Poland.

The events are aimed at experts from national statistical offices, international organizations and other stakeholders involved in the production, communication and coordination of the reporting of statistics for SDGs.

The meeting focuses on strategic issues and serves as a platform:

  • to share experiences, good practices and lessons learned,
  • to showcase innovative solutions to the challenges faced
  • and to identify priorities for future methodological and capacity-development work in this area.

This year's Workshop include, among others, topics such as:

  • Self-Assessment Tool for SDG Indicator Availability - a tool that aims to enable SDG statistics teams to, among others: track availability of global, regional and national indicators, collect important contextual information and use it as a project management tool for SDGs (during the Workshop, Poland shared its conclusions as the co-creator of the tool and one of the first countries responsible for piloting it);
  • Lessons learned from providing statistics for SDGs (lessons learned are shared by UNECE countries – Belarus, Spain, Iceland, Poland and Turkey, UNESCAP and international organisations - Eurostat, FAO and Geneva Graduate Institute).

During the Expert Meeting, discussions focus on, among others:

  • overlapping frameworks (e.g. well-being and SDGs),
  • the future of monitoring sustainable development monitoring,
  • managing relation with political makers.

The meetings are organized within the Steering Group on Statistics for Sustainable Development Goals within the Conference of European Statisticians (CES). The Steering Group was established in 2016 to support offices of the UNECE region in implementing solutions to measure and monitor sustainable development goals.

Statistics Poland has been co-chairing the Group's work since 2018 (together with Sweden) and participating in the task forces established by the Steering Group. One of the Group’s greatest achievements is preparation two edition of Road Map (Road Map on statistics for Sustainable Development Goals and  Road Map on Statistics for Sustainable Development Goals - Second Edition), which facilitates organization of the 2030 Agenda monitoring.

More information: https://unece.org/statistics/events/8th-expert-meeting-statistics-sustainable-development-goals

