Price indices of consumer goods and services in July 2015
Price indices of consumer goods and services in July 2015
Foreign trade turnover in total and by countries January - June 2015
In the first half of 2015, exports at current prices amounted to PLN 363298.5 mln, while imports amounted to PLN 351331.7 mln. The positive balance reached the level of PLN 11966.8 mln, while in the previous year minus PLN 4052.8 mln. In comparison to the corresponding period of the 2014, exports increased by 6.3% and imports by 1.6%.
Regions of Poland 2015
The information booklet includes characteristics of socioeconomic phenomena in territorial profiles, rate of changes in recent years and relations in comparison to average values for the country. Selected economic categories are presented in dynamic terms.
Production of industrial products in 2014
It provides the quantity of manufactured production of selected products classifi ed by PKWiU/PRODPOL, conducted by large and medium-sized entities employing 10 persons or more (final products and semi-finished products in total, i.e. intended for marketing as well as for further processing within an enterprise, from own and commissioned material). It also describes sold production of divisions, groups and classes of products by PKWiU.
Foreign trade turnover in total and by countries in 2014
In 2014, exports at current prices amounted to PLN 693471.6 mln, while imports amounted to PLN 704567.5 mln. The negative balance reached the level of PLN 11095.9 mln, while in 2013 minus PLN 8219.4 mln. In comparison to the 2013, exports increased by 7.0% and imports by 7.4%.
Construction - Activity results in 2014
It describes construction and assembly production conducted in the national economy, including the sales of construction and assembly production in construction entities employing more than 9 persons by groups and forms of ownership, types of facilities, and places of carrying out work (voivodships), the sales of construction and assembly production outside the country by construction and nonconstruction enterprises employing more than 9 persons, as well as price indices of construction and assembly production.
Prices in the National Economy - June 2015
Dynamics and levels of prices in essential areas of the national economy. The results are presented as data series (price indices and levels) in tables, in Excel format, constituting databases for a particular thematic area (agriculture, industry, construction, services, retail market, export, import). Constant supply of data, in monthly, quarterly, cumulative and annual periods. The data comes from statistical surveys of the Central Statistical Office and other institutions participating in the integral system of official statistics.
Poland in the European Union 2015 - folder
A folder publication containing information on Poland against the background of other European countries.
Tourism in 2014
It describes national tourism – the distribution and use of accommodation facilities by Poles and foreign tourists, special diversity of tourism potential in Poland – selected indicators showing the distribution and use of accommodation facilities, international comparisons based on the Eurostat data, equipment of accommodation facilities providing at least 10 lodging places with conveniences for people with motor disabilities, with conference infrastructure, and with sports and recreation devices. It also presents border traffic – the flow of people on the external border of the European Union (among others, arrivals of foreigners and departures of Polish citizens). It contains information on border traffic by various means of transport, along with selected information on the activities of the Polish Tourist Country Lover’s Society (PTTK).