Working conditions in 2016
It presents the hazards related to work environment, strenuous work conditions and mechanical factors connected with a particularly dangerous machinery, benefits due to work in hazardous and strenuous conditions, compensations for injuries and occupational diseases, the number of persons working in hazardous conditions, and evaluation of occupational risks in particular work positions.
Price indices of sold production of industry and construction and assembly production in April 2017
Data in table.
Index numbers of industrial and construction-assembly production in April 2017
In April of 2017, sold production of industry was by 0.6% lower than in April of 2016, whereas an increase of 4.3% was reported in construction-assembly production. In the period January-April of 2017, sold production of industry was by 5.4% higher than in the corresponding period of 2016 which saw a 4.0% increase, whereas construction-assembly production was by 2.3% higher than in the corresponding period of 2016 which saw a 13.1% decrease.
Housing construction in the period of January-April 2017
In the period of four months of 2017 there were less dwellings completed than the year before. The number of dwellings for which permits have been granted or which have been registered with a construction project and the number of dwellings in which construction has begun increased.
Road Transport in Poland in the Years 2014, 2015
Information on entities conducting economic activity: employment, wages and salaries, finances of enterprises, investment outlays, fixed assets, transport fleet, transport of goods (by organisational transport forms, destinations, types of goods, groups of goods, distance classes) and passengers, voivodship balances of transport as well as information on road network, registered motor vehicles, road accidents. Selected information on road transport in EU countries.
Average paid employment and average gross wages and salaries in enterprise sector in April 2017
Average paid employment and average gross wages and salaries in enterprise sector in April 2017
Average monthly gross wage and salary in enterprise sector in April 2017
Average monthly gross wage and salary in enterprise sector in April 2017 was PLN 4489,07
Average monthly wage and salary in enterprise sector excluding payments from profit in April 2017
Average monthly wage and salary in enterprise sector excluding payments from profit in April 2017 was PLN 4488.08