Terms used in official statistics

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Tonne-kilometres by rail

The sum of products of gross weights of individual commercial and station consignments transported in freight wagons dispatches in national and international transport on all types of trains as well as tariff distances of their transport in Poland.

1. National tariff distance is the distance beetween station of consignment clearance and its destination station specified in the bill of loading.

2. International tariff distance in the country is :a ) in sending abroad from Poland- tariff distance from station of consignment clearance to the border point

b) in receiving from abroad to Poland - tariff distance from the border point to station of consignment clearance

c) consignmets transported throught the territory of Poland in transit - tariff distance beetween the point of border where consignment entered and the point of border where consignment departed.

Tonno-km by shunting i.e.movement of wagons from mines to railway network, as well as todelivery and collection point excluded.

High-level terms

Contact person on methodology:
Urząd Statystyczny w Szczecinie
