Non-tax budgetary revenue
Budgetary revenue there are from:
1) fees, in part, that in accordance with special regulations is not: a revenue of local governments, revenues of state appropriated funds and revenues of other public sector units;
2) duties;
3) payments from the profits of state enterprises and sole shareholder companies of the Treasury;
4) payments of dividends;
5) payment from the Polish National Bank profits;
6) payments of surplus funds for executive agencies;
7) the revenue collected by state budget units, unless a separate law does not stipulate otherwise;
8) Income from rental and leasing, and other similar agreements relating to the assets of the Treasury, unless a separate law does not stipulate otherwise;
9) interest on funds held in bank accounts of state budgetary units or public authorities, unless a separate law does not stipulate otherwise;
10) interest on term deposits set up with the funds accumulated in the central current account of the state budget;
11) interest granted by the state budget and foreign loans;
12) fines, forfeits and other penalties, unless separate law does not stipulate otherwise;
13) inheritances, bequests and donations in cash to the Treasury;
14) revenues from the sale of assets, goods and rights, which were not within the meaning of income according to article 5, item 1 point 4. a, b, unless a separate law provides otherwise;
15) other revenues set out in separate laws or international agreements;
16) European funds and resources referred to in article 5, item 3 point 5. a, b, for the implementation of technical assistance projects and measures referred to in article 5, item 3, point 5, c, d, and point 6, after transfer to the account of state budget revenues;
17) the interest purchased by buyers of Treasury bonds or surplus resulting from the difference between issue price and the nominal value of Treasury bonds sold.
Act of 27 August 2009 on the Public Finance
Place of publication: (Dz. U. z 2024 r. poz. 1530, z późn. zm.)
GUS – Departament Studiów Makroekonomicznych i Finansów