Fertile arable land
Arable land is included in the arable soil of bonitation class: I, II, III(a).
Class I - The best arable soils - soils that are always present in good physiographic conditions. They are structural, rich in nutrients, easy to grow, warm, active, permeable and airy, but sufficiently moist, not crusted, containing sweet humus in a well-developed humus level, as well as good water-air relations, and do not require melioration . They can be used to obtain high yields of the noblest, deep-rooted crops, even in medium-sized farming. These soils are suitable for the cultivation of all crops, in particular sugar beet, wheat, alfalfa, rape, red clover, for the cultivation of vegetables and the establishment of orchards.
Class II - Very good arable soils - soils of this class are similar in properties to class I soils, but occur in slightly worse conditions of the topography. They have worse water conditions, are less permeable, less airy and sometimes a little more difficult to cultivate, they are drained or do not require melioration. They produce the same crops as in class I soils, but yields are lower in the case of medium cultivation. These soils are very suitable for planting orchards.
Class III (a) - Good arable soils - soils that are characterized by a smaller selection of crops due to their physical and chemical properties and physiographic conditions, and above all water conditions worse than those of class I and II soils. Most soils in this class show clear signs of a degradation process. On lighter soils of this class, high yields of rye, barley, oats and potatoes are achieved, and under conditions of high agricultural culture, good yields of sugar beet, wheat, vegetables and red clover are obtained, similarly to heavier soils. This class of soils is also suitable for planting orchards.
Prices of arable land in private sales are quoted the purchase/sales prices, as well as lease prices of selected agricultural land for agricultural activity. The source of information is a semi-annual interview survey conducted in an individual farm, which was selected for agricultural sample surveys. The interviewer provides data on prices broken down by quarters.
Regulation of the Council of Ministers of 12 September 2012 on the soil science land classification
Place of publication: (Dz. U. z 2012 r. poz. 1246)
High-level terms
Urząd Statystyczny w Szczecinie
Good quality land
Description of the concept that applied to: 29.11.2012