Unregistered employment
- Paid work performed without initiating labour relationship, i.e. without employment contract, order-agreement contract, contract for performing particular work/task or any other written contract between an employer and an employee, regardless of the ownership sector (including also natural persons and private agricultural holdings); work cannot be also performed on the basis of call, appointment or election; unregistered work does not entitles a worker to participation in social security, i.e.; the rights to benefit from social allowances; the period of performing this work is not also taken into account by the Social Insurance Institution, whereas the employed does not transmit adequate contributions due to paid remuneration to the accounts of the Social Insurance Institution and Labour Fund; personal income taxes are not deducted from the income generated through unregistered employment;
- own account work (self-employment) if there are not fulfilled obligations to the state (e.g. taxes) due to the conducted activity.
GUS – Departament Badań Społecznych i Rynku Pracy