Beneficiaries of social assistance at domicile
All members of households with at least one social assistance beneficiary and homeless people, who in the survey year received at least once any benefit provided by social welfare centers.
The reason for this approach is the fact that when considering applications for social assistance, the material situation of all household members of the person submitting the application is analyzed and the income per capita in the household is calculated. In addition, it was assumed that every form of help indirectly, even a small impact on the living conditions of all persons remaining in the common household. Poor beneficiaries of social assistance provided in the place of residence are people whose income as a person in a single-person household or as a homeless person, and in the case of multi-person households - income per person in the household, it did not exceed the income criterion.
High-level terms
Low-level terms:
Urząd Statystyczny w Krakowie