Terms used in official statistics

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Passenger-kilometresby inland waterways


The sum of products of the number of passengers carried and the distance of the tariff relation of their transport, based on official tables of distance issued by water administration bodies in relation to inland waterways and by sea administration bodies in relation to seaways.

In the case of several-hour cruises where it is not possible to establish the distance on the basis of official distance tables (e.g. a cruise from Mikolajki on Lake Sniardwy), the distance covered by the ship during the cruise shall be calculated as the product of the ship's speed and the number of hours of passenger travelling time. The calculation is based on the most technically and economically favourable average technical speed established for a given ship by the shipowner.

High-level terms

Contact person on methodology:
Urząd Statystyczny w Szczecinie
e-mail: SekretariatUSSZC@stat.gov.pl

