Terms used in official statistics

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Civil engineering works

All civil engineering works not classified according to Polish Classification of Types of Constructions as buildings, i.e., highways, streets and roads, railways, suspension and elevated railways, airfield runways, bridges, elevated highways, tunnels and subways, harbours, waterways, dams and other waterworks, long-distance pipelines, long-distance communication and electricity power lines, local pipelines and cables, complex constructions on industrial sites, sport and recreations constructions as well as other civil engineering works not elsewhere classfied.

  • Regulation of the Council of Ministers of 30 December 1999 on the Polish Classification of Types of Constructions (PKOB)
    Place of publication: (Dz. U. 1999 nr 112 poz. 1316, z późn. zm.)

Contact person on methodology:
Urząd Statystyczny w Lublinie
e-mail: sekretariatUSlub@stat.gov.pl

