Average annual price index of consumer goods and services for households of retirees and pensioners

Methodological description
This index is calculated on base of results from:
- price survey on consumer goods and services in retail market,
- household survey, which amongst other, provides data regarding average expenditures on consumer goods and services in households of retirees and pensioners; this data is used for generalisation of the system of weights.
In calculation of consumer goods and services index for households of retirees and pensioners the Classification of Individual Consumption by Purpose, adapted for purposes of Harmonized Indices of Consumer Prices (COICOP/HICP), is applied. This indicator is calculated according to Laspeyres’ formula, with use of weights from year preceding surveyed year.
Average annual price index of consumer goods and services for households of retirees and pensioners reflects the change of average prices of consumer goods and services in surveyed year as related to average prices of consumer goods and services in previous year, with consideration for model of consumption appropriate for households of retirees and pensioners, i.e. the structure of average expenditures by these households.
Related terms:
Place, form and date of publishing (taking frequency into consideration)
- Official Journal of the Republic of Poland "Monitor Polski" – announcement of the President of CSO – by 31 January (annual average)
Contact person on methodology
Anna Bobel