Price indices of residential premises by voivodships in the fourth quarter of 2023

Price indices of residential premises by voivodships in the fourth quarter of 2023.
Voivodships |
Q4 2023 |
previous quarter = 100 |
104,831 |
Dolnośląskie |
105,324 |
Kujawsko-Pomorskie |
105,901 |
Lubelskie |
102,345 |
Lubuskie |
105,331 |
Łódzkie |
103,856 |
Małopolskie |
107,850 |
Mazowieckie |
104,865 |
Opolskie |
106,103 |
Podkarpackie |
106,688 |
Podlaskie |
107,019 |
Pomorskie |
102,359 |
Śląskie |
105,443 |
Świętokrzyskie |
104,457 |
Warmińsko-Mazurskie |
105,233 |
Wielkopolskie |
105,304 |
Zachodniopomorskie |
99,634 |