Annual indexation rate is equal to the average annual index of gross domestic product (GDP) at current prices over last 5 years preceding the date of indexation

Communication of the President of Statistics Poland
of 15 May 2023
on the annual indexation rate
Based on Article 40c, section 6 of the Act of 13 October 1998 on the social insurance system (Journal of Laws of 2022, item 1009, as amended[1]), it is announced that the annual indexation rate of premiums recorded on the sub-account maintained by the Social Insurance Institution under the insured account, equal to the average annual index of gross domestic product (GDP) at current prices for the period of the last 5 years preceding the indexation date, amounted to 109.20 (increase by 9.20%).
[1] Amendments to the consolidated text mentioned Act were published in the Journal Of Laws of 2022, items 1079, 1115, 1265, 1933, 2185, 2476 and 2707 and of 2023, items 326, 547, 614 and 852.