You looked for: tag:wastes suitable for recycling
Content 18
Materials management in 2023
28.11.2024 -
Analysis of the phenomena related to supply and use of selected materials in terms of quantity, by CPA Rev.2.1, including consumption and stocks of materials and turnover of wastes suitable for recycling.... Topics / Industry, Construction, Fixed Assets / Industry
Materials management in 2022
30.11.2023 -
Analysis of the phenomena related to supply and use of selected materials in terms of quantity, by CPA Rev.2.1, including consumption and stocks of materials and turnover of wastes suitable for recycling.... Topics / Industry, Construction, Fixed Assets / Industry
Materials management in 2021
30.11.2022 -
Domestic balances of selected materials, consumption and stocks of selected materials, indicators of imports and exports share, share of domestic consumption in use, turnover of wastes suitable for recycling; in terms of quantity.... Topics / Industry, Construction, Fixed Assets / Industry
Materials management in 2020
30.11.2021 -
Domestic balances of selected materials, consumption and stocks of selected materials, indicators of imports and exports share, share of domestic consumption in use, turnover of wastes suitable for recycling; in terms of quantity.... Topics / Industry, Construction, Fixed Assets / Industry
Materials management in 2019
30.11.2020 -
Domestic balances of selected materials, consumption and stocks of selected materials, indicators of imports and exports share, share of domestic consumption in use, turnover of wastes suitable for recycling; in terms of quantity.... Topics / Industry, Construction, Fixed Assets / Industry
Materials management in 2018
29.11.2019 -
National balance sheets for selected materials, consumption and stock of selected materials, share of imports and exports, share of domestic consumption in use, marketing of recyclable waste in terms of volume.... Topics / Industry, Construction, Fixed Assets / Industry
Materials Management in 2017
14.12.2018 -
National balance sheets for selected materials, consumption and stock of selected materials, share of imports and exports, share of domestic consumption in use, marketing of recyclable waste in terms of volume.... Topics / Industry, Construction, Fixed Assets / Industry
Materials Management in 2016
26.10.2017 -
Balances of basic materials and raw materials, use and stocks of materials, share of imports in supplies and of exports in domestic production, turnover of means of production for agriculture and of recycling materials.... Topics / Industry, Construction, Fixed Assets / Industry
Materials Management in 2015
27.10.2016 -
Balances of basic materials and raw materials, use and stocks of materials, share of imports in supplies and of exports in domestic production, turnover of means of production for agriculture and of recycling materials.... Topics / Industry, Construction, Fixed Assets / Industry
Materials Management in 2014
09.11.2015 -
Balances of basic materials and raw materials, use and stocks of materials, share of imports in supplies and of exports in domestic production, turnover of means of production for agriculture and of recycling materials.... Topics / Industry, Construction, Fixed Assets / Industry
Materials Management in 2013
30.10.2014 -
Balances of basic materials and raw materials, use and stocks of materials, share of imports in supplies and of exports in domestic production, turnover of means of production for agriculture and of recycling materials.... Topics / Industry, Construction, Fixed Assets / Industry
Materials Management in 2012
04.11.2013 -
Balances of basic materials and raw materials, use and stocks of materials, share of imports in supplies and of exports in domestic production, turnover of means of production for agriculture and of recycling materials.... Topics / Industry, Construction, Fixed Assets / Industry
Materials management 2011
10.01.2012 -
Materials management 2011... Topics / Industry, Construction, Fixed Assets / Industry
Materials management 2010
10.01.2011 -
Materials management 2010... Topics / Industry, Construction, Fixed Assets / Industry
Materials management 2009
10.01.2010 -
Materials management 2009... Topics / Industry, Construction, Fixed Assets / Industry
Materials management 2008
10.01.2009 -
Materials management 2008... Topics / Industry, Construction, Fixed Assets / Industry
Materials management 2007
10.01.2008 -
Materials management 2007... Topics / Industry, Construction, Fixed Assets / Industry
Materials management 2006
10.01.2007 -
Materials management 2006... Topics / Industry, Construction, Fixed Assets / Industry