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Content 21
Internal market in 2022
31.10.2023 -
Activity of selected types of services, trade activity and retail sales executed by trade and non-trade enterprises. The value and structure of retail sales. Wholesale sales. Network of retail shops by organisational forms, sales area. Constant and seasonal marketplace network. Deliveries of... Topics / Prices, Trade / Trade
Internal market in 2021
31.10.2022 -
Activity of selected types of services, trade activity and retail sales executed by trade and non-trade enterprises. The value and structure of retail sales. Wholesale sales. Network of retail shops by organisational forms, sales area. Constant and seasonal marketplace network. Deliveries of... Topics / Prices, Trade / Trade
Internal market in 2020
22.11.2021 -
Activity of selected types of services, trade activity and retail sales executed by trade and non-trade enterprises. The value and structure of retail sales. Wholesale sales. Network of retail shops by organisational forms, sales area. Constant and seasonal marketplace network. Deliveries of... Topics / Prices, Trade / Trade
Internal market in 2019
30.10.2020 -
Activity of selected types of services, trade activity and retail sales executed by trade and non-trade enterprises. The value and structure of retail sales. Wholesale sales. Network of retail shops by organisational forms, sales area. Constant and seasonal marketplace network. Deliveries of... Topics / Prices, Trade / Trade
Internal market in 2018
28.01.2020 -
Presentation of information on the activities of trade enterprises compared to the entire services sector. Description of the changes to the value and structure of retail sales and wholesale. Distribution and size of retail shops, permanent and seasonal network of marketplaces and the food... Topics / Prices, Trade / Trade
Internal market in 2017
29.11.2018 -
Presentation of information on the activities of trade enterprises compared to the entire services sector. Description of the changes to the value and structure of retail sales and wholesale. Distribution and size of retail shops, permanent and seasonal network of marketplaces and the food... Topics / Prices, Trade / Trade
Internal market in 2017 tabular annex
31.10.2018 -
Presentation of information on the activities of trade enterprises compared to the entire services sector. Description of the changes to the value and structure of retail sales and wholesale. Distribution and size of retail shops, permanent and seasonal network of marketplaces and the food... Topics / Prices, Trade / Trade
Internal market in 2016
29.09.2017 -
Activity of selected types of services, trade activity and retail sales executed by trade and non-trade enterprises. The value and structure of retail sales. Wholesale sales. Network of retail shops by organisational forms, sales area. Constant and seasonal marketplace network. Deliveries of... Topics / Prices, Trade / Trade
Internal market in 2015
26.10.2016 -
Activity of selected types of services, trade activity and retail sales executed by trade and non-trade enterprises. The value and structure of retail sales. Wholesale sales. Network of retail shops by organisational forms, sales area. Constant and seasonal marketplace network. Deliveries of... Topics / Prices, Trade / Trade
Internal Market in 2014
28.10.2015 -
Activity of selected types of services, trade activity and retail sales executed by trade and non-trade enterprises. The value and structure of retail sales. Wholesale sales. Network of retail shops by organisational forms, sales area. Constant and seasonal marketplace network. Deliveries of... Topics / Prices, Trade / Trade
Internal Market in 2013
17.10.2014 -
Activity of selected types of services, trade activity and retail sales executed by trade and non-trade enterprises. The value and structure of retail sales. Wholesale sales. Network of retail shops by organisational forms, sales area. Constant and seasonal marketplace network. Deliveries of... Topics / Prices, Trade / Trade
Internal Market in 2012
05.11.2013 -
Activity of selected types of services, trade activity and retail sales executed by trade and non-trade enterprises. The value and structure of retail sales. Wholesale sales. Network of retail shops by organisational forms, sales area. Constant and seasonal marketplace network. Deliveries of... Topics / Prices, Trade / Trade
Internal market in 2011
10.01.2012 -
Internal market in 2011... Topics / Prices, Trade / Trade
Internal market in 2010
10.01.2011 -
Internal market in 2010... Topics / Prices, Trade / Trade
Internal market in 2009
10.01.2010 -
Internal market in 2009... Topics / Prices, Trade / Trade
Internal market in 2008
10.01.2009 -
Internal market in 2008... Topics / Prices, Trade / Trade
Internal market in 2007
10.01.2008 -
Internal market in 2007... Topics / Prices, Trade / Trade
Internal market in 2006
10.01.2007 -
Internal market in 2006... Topics / Prices, Trade / Trade
Internal market in 2005
10.01.2006 -
Internal market in 2005... Topics / Prices, Trade / Trade
Internal market in 2004
10.01.2005 -
Internal market in 2004... Topics / Prices, Trade / Trade
Internal market in 2003
10.01.2004 -
Internal market in 2003... Topics / Prices, Trade / Trade