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Housing economy in 2022
14.09.2023 -
In Poland, as of the end of 2022, there were recorded over 15.6 million dwellings (an increase of 1.4 % compared to the end of 2021) with the total useful floor area 1 172,9 million m2, with 59.7 million rooms. As of 31 December 2022, dwelling stocks located on the territory of Poland amounted to... Topics / Municipal infrastructure / Municipal infrastructure
Housing economy in 2021
15.09.2022 -
As of December 31, 2021, the number of residential premises rented from the gmina's dwelling stocks was 630.7 thousand, and decreased by 2.7% compared to 2020. Gmina’s dwelling stocks should be understood as premises used for satisfying housing needs, owned by gmina. As of the end of 2021, the... Topics / Municipal infrastructure / Municipal infrastructure
Towards better lives. Poland in the OECD
22.11.2021 -
Is our life heading for the better? How has the quality of life of the inhabitants of Poland changed compared to the other OECD countries? If you are looking for answers to these questions, see the “Towards better lives. Poland in the OECD” publication prepared on the occasion of the 25th... Topics / Other studies / Other Aggregated Studies
Housing economy in 2020
14.09.2021 -
As of 31 December 2020, dwelling stocks located on the territory of Poland amounted to over 15.0 million of dwellings with the total useful floor area of 1,118.8 million m2, with 57.4 million rooms. Compared to the year before, 202.6 thousand of dwellings were built (an increase of 1.4 %) with the... Topics / Municipal infrastructure / Municipal infrastructure