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Content 7
Financial results of investment funds in the first half of 2024
21.11.2024 -
The value of assets held by investment funds at the end of June 2024 amounted to PLN 406.4 billion (an increase of 23.5% compared to the end of June of the previous year). Investment funds achieved a result on operations in the amount of PLN 16,3 billion (compared to PLN 16.7 billion in the... Topics / Economic Activities, Finances / Financial results
Financial results of investment funds in 2023
31.07.2024 -
The value of assets held by investment funds at the end of December 2023 amounted to PLN 357.6 billion (an increase of 19.4% compared to the previous year). In 2023, investment funds achieved a result on operations in the amount of PLN 34,4 billion (compared to a loss of PLN 6.3 billion in the... Topics / Economic Activities, Finances / Financial results
Financial results of investment funds in the first half of 2023
23.11.2023 -
The value of total assets collected by investment funds at the end of June 2023 amounted to 329.0 billion PLN (an increase of 9.8% compared to the end of June of the previous year). The value of funds investments increased to 262.5 billion PLN (by 16.1%).... Topics / Economic Activities, Finances / Financial results
Financial results of investment funds in 2022
31.07.2023 -
The value of total assets collected by investment funds at the end of December 2022 amounted to PLN 299.4 billion (a decrease by 13.2% compared to the previous year). In 2022, investment funds achieved a negative result on operations in the amount of PLN -6.3 billion (PLN 17.6 billion less than in... Topics / Economic Activities, Finances / Financial results
Financial results of investment funds in the first half of 2022
23.11.2022 -
The value of total assets collected by investment funds at the end of June 2022 amounted to 299.6 billion PLN (decrease by 14.1% compared to the end of June of the previous year). The value of funds' investments decreased to 226.1 billion PLN (by 19.6%).... Topics / Economic Activities, Finances / Financial results
Financial results of investment funds in 2021
14.07.2022 -
The value of total assets collected by investment funds at the end of December 2021 amounted to PLN 345.1 billion (an increase by 8.8% compared to the previous year). In 2021, investment funds achieved a positive result on operations in the amount of PLN 11.3 billion (PLN 1.3 billion more than in... Topics / Economic Activities, Finances / Financial results
Financial results of investment funds in the first half of 2021
23.11.2021 -
The value of total assets collected by investment funds at the end of June 2021 amounted to 348.9 billion PLN (increase by 16.8% compared to the end of June of the previous year). The value of funds' investments increased to 281.3 billion PLN (by 5.7%).... Topics / Economic Activities, Finances / Financial results