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Content 8
Construction and assembly production in 2023
15.10.2024 -
The publication contains an analysis of the established results of construction and assembly production realized in Poland and abroad in 2023. The analysis characterizes the construction and assembly production realized domestically and presents the value of construction works executed by the... Topics / Industry, Construction, Fixed Assets / Construction
Construction and assembly production in 2022
16.10.2023 -
The publication contains an analysis of the established results of construction and assembly production realized in Poland and abroad in 2022. The analysis characterizes the construction and assembly production realized domestically and presents the value of construction works executed by the... Topics / Industry, Construction, Fixed Assets / Construction
Construction and assembly production in 2021
14.10.2022 -
Construction and assembly production realized in national economy, including sales of construction and assembly production in construction units employing more than 9 persons by divisions, groups of Polish Classification of Activities (PKD 2007) and forms of ownership, types of constructions,... Topics / Industry, Construction, Fixed Assets / Construction
Construction and assembly production in 2020
15.10.2021 -
Construction and assembly production realized in national economy, including sales of construction and assembly production in construction units employing more than 9 persons by divisions, groups of Polish Classification of Activities (PKD 2007) and forms of ownership, types of constructions,... Topics / Industry, Construction, Fixed Assets / Construction
Construction and assembly production in 2019
15.10.2020 -
Construction and assembly production realized in national economy, including sales of construction and assembly production in construction units employing more than 9 persons by divisions, groups of Polish Classification of Activities (PKD 2007) and forms of ownership, types of constructions,... Topics / Industry, Construction, Fixed Assets / Construction
Construction and assembly production in 2018
15.10.2019 -
Construction and assembly production realized in national economy, including sales of construction and assembly production in construction units employing more than 9 persons by divisions, groups of Polish Classification of Activities (PKD 2007), types of constructions, work-site location... Topics / Industry, Construction, Fixed Assets / Construction
Construction and assembly production in 2017
15.10.2018 -
Construction output in the national economy, including construction output sales in construction entities above 9 workers by divisions, groups and ownership forms, types of structures, location of works (voivodships); construction output sales abroad by construction and non-construction... Topics / Industry, Construction, Fixed Assets / Construction
Construction - Activity results. Archive 2007-2016
21.07.2017 -
Publication „Construction - Activity results” since 2017 it has been divided into these two publications "Construction results" and "Construction and assembly production".... Topics / Industry, Construction, Fixed Assets / Construction