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Infographic - International Day of Persons with Disabilities 3 December
03.12.2024 -
... Infographics and widgets / Infographics
Disabled persons in 2023
15.10.2024 -
As of December 2023 in Poland, there were 4,006.4 thousand persons who had a valid certificate of disability or level of disability issued by the medical examination committee or a certificate of the level of incapacity to work[1] issued by the Social Insurance Institution. Of the 4,006.4 thousand... Topics / Living conditions / Social assistance
Disabled people in 2022
30.11.2023 -
In December 2022 in Poland there were 2.3 million persons receiving old-age and other pension benefits or reported for insurance to the Social Insurance Institution by social contribution payers, who had a certificate of disability, a certificate of level of disability (issued by the medical... Topics / Living conditions / Social assistance
Infographics - International Day of Persons with Disabilities
03.12.2020 -
... Infographics and widgets / Infographics
Disabled people in 2019
03.12.2020 -
At the end of 2019, the majority of disabled persons working in medium and large enterprises were employed in the private sector (76.8%). More than half of employed disabled persons worked in the section administrative and support service activities (108.0 thousand) and in the section... Topics / Living conditions / Social assistance