Methodological description
Purpose of research: Compilation of current expenditure on health care (public and private) according to the International Classification for Health Accounts (ICHA).
Entity domain/scope: financing agents for current public and private expenditure on health care.
Subject domain/scope: current expenditure on health care compiled in accordance to ICHA: (HC - functional classification of health services, HP - health providers, HF - financing schemes, FS - revenues of financing schemes) and in juxtapositions: HCxHF, HPxHF, HCxHP and HFxFS.
Place, form and date of publication (including frequency)
Official Journal of the Republic of Poland “Monitor Polski” - announcement of the President of the CSO - once a year, 21 months after the reporting period
Contact person on methodology
Michał Koziński
Małgorzata Żyra