DIGICOM Steering Group meeting
A A AOn May 20, 2019, Statistics Poland was the host of the DIGICOM Project Steering Group meeting. DIGICOM is one of several projects implemented under the ESS Vision 2020. This strategic document of the European Statistical System has been developed as a response to challenges resulting from the digital revolution, the necessity of seeking new measures and sources data, reducing the costs of statistical production and the need to flexible adaptation of the the statistical system to changes taking place in the world.
The Eurostat was the co-organizer of the meeting, while the representatives of National Statistical Institutions from Germany, Ireland, Spain, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Finland, the United Kingdom and Poland were participants.
The Vice-President of the Statistics Poland, Grażyna Marciniak PhD welcomed the attendants. Ms. Marciniak made a reference to the ultimate stage of works conducted under the ESS Vision 2020, reported that the effects of the DIGICOM project belonged to the most successful, taking into account the scope and popularity of DIGICOM products.
The discussion during the meeting concerned the summary of work within four DIGICOM Work Packages. The implementation of all activities planned within statistical data users' analysis was emphasized and the results of work in the field of innovative and shared products and tools were summarized. The activities undertaken in the area of open data dissemination were presented, with particular emphasis on the effects of the action grant conducted by four countries (Bulgaria, France, Ireland, Italy). The aim of this action was to develop a set of good practices supporting the Linked Open Data dissemination within the official statistical system. The benefits resulting from the activities launched by the Work Package dealing with communication and promotion of statistics were emphasized. The European Statistical Competition was presented as an especially important. The announcement of a winners of this year competition is expected in the first decade of June.
In the last part of the meeting the future possibilities of development of DIGICOM products were reviewed along with new areas that should be expanded in order to increase the trust and recognition of data from the European Statistical System. The document, prepared by Eurostat based on preliminary proposals developed by the members of SG DIGICOM, entitled "DIGICOM beyond 2020", was the foundation for formulating ideas concerning forthcoming time.
The meeting ended with proposals regarding the international event planned for November this year, which will summarize the implementation of the DIGICOM project products.