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Publications of the Statistics Poland


Registered unemployment. I-III quarter 2016

The number and structure of the unemployed registered in labour offices by demographic and socio-occupational characteristics, period of remaining without work, the last workplace ...
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Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Poland 2016

This is the main summary publication of the Central Statistical Office, including a comprehensive set of statistical data describing the condition of the natural environment, the socio-economic and demographic situation of Poland, and its position in Europe and in the world.
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Economic activity of entities with foreign capital in 2015

Presentation of the size and structure of the capital involved with entities with a share of foreign capital, including foreign capital, state of its origin and basic financial results and economic indicators describing the operations conducted by these entities.
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Publications of statistical offices


Statistical Yearbook of Zachodniopomorskie Voivodship 2016

Statistical Office in Szczecin

The main summary publication of the Statistical Office containing a set of information characterising standard of living of the society, the condition of environment and economy as well as data specific to the voivodship. The statistical data were grouped into the 24 subject chapters, preceded by review tables, presenting the Zachodniopomorskie Voivodship against the background of the country as well as in the retrospective capture. Dane statystyczne zgrupowane zostały w 24 działach tematycznych, poprzedzonych tablicami przeglądowymi, ukazującymi województwo zachodniopomorskie na tle kraju oraz w ujęciu retrospektywnym..
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Publications outside official statistics

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