Population in the labour market according to the results of the National Census of Population and Housing 2021

Date of publication: | 05.10.2023 |
There is presented another study showing the results of the 2021 National Population and Housing Census. The census was carried out in Poland from April 1 to September 30, 2021, as of the state on March 31, 2021. A wide range of information obtained there from may be the basis for in-depth analyses and carrying out of balance of changes that took place in the period 2011–2021. The presented publication is a thematic study devoted to the characteristics of economic activity of the population. The study contains detailed characteristics for individual categories of the population aged 15 years or over, i.e. employed, unemployed and economically inactive. Each of these population groups has been described in relation to their diversity in terms of socio-demographic features. The publication contains general comments, an analytical part (enriched with a graphic presentation in the form of maps and graphs) and a tabular part, available in the electronic version. The analytical part incorporates comparisons of various aspects of economic activity of the population between 2021 and 2011, which is particularly interesting taking into account large scale changes that occured on the labour market in Poland in this period. These changes infuence not only the labour market itself and economic development but reflect also indirectly demographic phenomena as well as an increase in economic activity on the labour market, in paticular among woen an people from older age groups. The results of the census reflect also the role of educayion on the labour market. The elaboration includes interestingf information on diversity between rural areas and cities as well as between voivodeships. We do hope the elaboration will occur a valuable source of information on socio-economic changes in Poland in the period 2011-2021. The updated publication can be found on the website: 16.10.2023 Data correction on pages 20 and 36 (see Polish version in the Part I. Analysis of results). 20.10.2023 Data correction on pages 20, 42, 55, 65, 78 (see Polish version in the Part I. Analysis of results) and page 88 (see Polish version in the Part II. Methodological notes). On page 97, the last sentence was changed from „In the tables containing summary data, there may be some arithmetic inaccuracies due to rounding” to „All tables, maps and charts presented in the publication are of own compilation. Due to the rounding of data, in some cases sums of components may slightly differ from the values given in the analytical text.”. |