Population in the labour market according to the results of the National Census of Population and Housing 2021 - updated version

Date of publication: | 29.02.2024 |
The current edition of the publication results from the update of the data on the level of education in the publication “Population in the labour market according to the results of the National Census of Population and Housing 2021 – updated version” and is the result of determining the level of education for persons for whom it was not previously assigned. As a result, it was possible to more precisely calculate the educational structure as well as indicators related to the labour market for a significantly larger group of persons. Thanks to this, the quality of data improved and the level of education was determined for 711.1 thousand people who originally had an undetermined level of education (their number decreased from 1021,9 thousand to 310,8 thousand). In the case of persons employed, the number of persons with an undetermined level of education decreased from 582.1 thousand to 191.3 thousand (decrease by 67.1 %), the number of unemployed from 2.8 thousand to 1.1 thousand (decrease by 60.7 %) and economically inactive persons from 437,1 thousand to 118.4 thousand (decrease by 72.9 %). As a consequence of this update, there were minor changes in the structures of the individual groups of active (employed and unemployed) and economically inactive persons according to the level of education, as well as the values of indicators, i.e. the economic activity rate, the employment rate, the unemployment rate, taking into account the level of education. The introduced update results from the additional determination of the education level for over 700 thousand respondents. |