Human capital

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The section containing research taking into account the subject of demographic phenomena, education and skills of the population and concerning the situation on the labour market.

No. Type Document title Date Archive
1 Information note Persons performing work under contracts of mandate and related contracts in Poland in December 2023
17.07.2024 Archive Persons performing work under contracts of mandate and related contracts in Poland in December 2023
2 Information note Foreigners performing work in Poland in January 2024
08.07.2024 Archive Foreigners performing work in Poland in January 2024
3 Statistics in focus Appendix - The foreign population in Poland during the COVID-19 pandemic
08.07.2020 Archive Appendix - The foreign population in Poland during the COVID-19 pandemic
4 Publication Labour market areas as an alternative approach to spatial analyses
5 Publication Employing the EU methodology to define Labour Market Areas in Poland
6 Publication Foreigners on the national labour market – regional approach
7 Publication Development of a methodology and estimation of the number of employed persons in the national economy by place of residence and main workplace at NUTS level 4, the registered unemployment rate at NUTS level 5 and measures of gross wages and salaries at NUTS level 4
8 Publication Extension of the Labour Force Survey
9 Publication Labour market demand for occupations of vocational education system
10 Publication Development of methodology and estimation of data on workers in the national economy at the poviat level (NTS 4) (POPT 2007-2013)
11 Publication Extension of the Labour Force Survey – selected indicators from the Europe 2020 strategy and the NEET indicator at the voivodship level (NTS 2) as well as basic aggregations in the labour market area for subregions (NTS 3), provincial cities and groups of subregions (POPT 2007-2013)

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