Persons performing work under contracts of mandate and related contracts in Poland in June 2023

On the last day of June 2023, there were 2 332.5 thousand persons performing work under contracts of mandate and related contracts in Poland. Of these, 1 008.8 thousand were simultaneously performing work qualifying them as employed persons in the national economy.
The data presented in this study concern persons performing work under contracts of mandate together with contracts of a related nature, i.e. agency agreements, service contracts, activation agreements, appointment letters and contracts with members of supervisory boards. The results presented are part of experimental work aimed at determining the number of persons performing work under civil law contracts.
At the end of June 2023, there were 2 332.5 thousand persons performing work under contracts of mandate and related contracts (contractors) in Poland. The share of women, who accounted for 51.8%, was slightly higher in the analysed population. This type of contract was mainly used in the private sector, which accounted for 88.1% of the total number of contractors. In the public sector, women accounted for 58.0% and in the private sector for 51.0%.