GOSPOSTRATEG - strategic research and development programme "Social and economic development of Poland in the conditions of globalizing markets"
The GOSPOSTRATEG program was prepared by the National Centre for Research and Development and approved by the Minister of Science and Higher Education. The thematic scope of the programme, taking into account all development challenges indicated in the government's Strategy for Responsible Development, includes:
1. the middle income and average product trap
2. the imbalance trap
3. the demographic trap
4. the trap of institutional weakness
The main objective of the programme is to increase the use, by 2028, of the results of socio-economic research in shaping national and regional development policies. The specific objectives of the programme are:
• implementation of policies, strategies, operational documents and specific solutions developed under the programme;
• implementation of solutions developed under the programme, strengthening the social capital necessary for the implementation of national and regional development policies.
The long-term effect of the programme assumes an increase in social capital and wider involvement of Poles in various forms of public activity. As a consequence, important reserves of social energy and agency will be unlocked, as a result of which citizens will be able to actively influence the improvement of their quality of life and the economic condition of the country. The essence of the programme is to support the existing knowledge transfer mechanisms and to stimulate new ones, strengthening the competitiveness and innovativeness of the Polish economy. These mechanisms will be based on identified resources and institutions integrating Poland into global knowledge-based value creation networks.
The program includes competitions for open projects and for commissioned projects, starting from 2017. The planned total budget of the Program amounts to PLN 500 million and comes from a targeted subsidy for the implementation of strategic research and development programs referred to in Art. 46 sec. 1 point 1 of the Act on NCBR and extra-budgetary funds, including funds of entrepreneurs and funds of other institutions operating in the areas of the Program.
The projects implemented by the Statistics Poland are the result of participation in the 1st competition of the Gospostrateg Program. All of them fall under the fourth area - the trap of the institution's weakness.
Development of an integrated system of retail price statistics – INSTATCENY