Forecasting the area of agricultural and horticultural crops with the use of satellite remote sensing

Based on the experimental method of identifying crops using satellite imagery, the area of triticale in 2021 was determined at the level of 1.35 million hectares.
The study is a continuation of activities carried out in the field of experimental research in the thematic area of agriculture, the results of which were presented in the publication published in 2020 entitled "Application of satellite remote sensing in agricultural statistics to forecast the area of agricultural and horticultural crops".
Statistics Poland (GUS), together with the Statistical Office in Olsztyn, have for many years been carrying out activities aimed at using satellite imagery to forecast the area of agricultural and horticultural crops. These studies were conducted jointly with scientific units - The Space Research Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences (CBK PAN) and the Institute of Geodesy and Cartography (IGiK).