Prices of agricultural products in April 2018

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Table 1. Procurement prices of agricultural products (excluding VAT)
Products 2017 2018
Jan-June July-Dec March April
in zl April March
2017=100 2018=100
Cereal grain            
(excluding sowing seed) – per dt:            
Wheat 68,87 64,94 66,85 66,24 96,4 99,1
Rye 56,47 53,85 57,25 57,38 98,2 100,2
Barley 62,02 60,95 67,08 67,35 108,3 100,4
Triticale 62,11 56,92 61,86 62,37 96,7 100,8
Oats 54,96 50,51 51,87 51,85 93,1 100,0
Maize 63,70 50,81 61,81 62,35 95,6 100,9
Potatoes – per dt 63,15 29,55 60,90 67,06 99,2 110,1
Animals for slaughter – per kg: 6,27 6,42 6,34 6,58 105,4 103,7
Cattle (excluding calves)
of which young cattle 6,47 6,70 6,48 6,73 104,5 103,8
Pigs 5,19 4,92 4,63 4,51 83,6 97,4
Poultry 3,57 3,81 3,61 3,56 100,4 98,8
Cows' milk – per hl 131,58 146,66 134,20 132,17 100,9 98,5

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