Social Economy Satellite Account for Poland 2018

Date of publication: | 31.12.2021 |
Publication „Social Economy Satellite Account for Poland 2018” lays out the results of the first social economy satellite account created in Poland. The experimental satellite account of the social economy for Poland was prepared within the framework the Eurostat "Satellite accounts of the social economy" grant funded by the European Commission. The Statistics Poland is the second of EU statistical offices, after the Slovenian one, which completed this satellite account under the Eurostat project. Previously, a similar initiative based on national law was completed in Portugal. Work on satellite accounts is also underway in Spain, France and Italy. The satellite account of the social economy aims at presenting the scope and the actual monetary value this sector contributes to the national economy. The study follows the developmental vision of public statistics set out by the United Nations, based on the need to move beyond GDP in order to gain a broader view of social and economic phenomena. The satellite account of social economy may be of service as a key data source to monitor how the social economy impacts public services and social and economic development. |