Foreigners performing work in Poland in 2023

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At the end of December 2023, the share of foreigners in the total number of people performing work in Poland was 6.6%. Between January and December 2023, the number of foreigners performing work increased by 4.2%.

The study analyses the population of foreigners employed in the national economy and working under civil law contracts in Poland in 2023 by sex and age, PKD/NACE section, citizenship and in territorial breakdowns. The studied population as at the end of December 2023 numbered over 1 million people.

The results presented here are part of experimental work to determine, based on administrative sources, the number of foreigners performing work. According to the definition in force in the official statistics system, persons working under civil law contracts are not included in the population of employed persons in the national economy. However, the data presented in the experimental study refer to ‘persons performing work’, i.e. employed persons in the national economy and persons working under civil law contracts identifiable in administrative records. Persons classified as employed who at the same time work under civil law contracts are counted only once and included in the group of employed persons. The analysed population does not include owners, co-owners and leaseholders of individual agricultural holdings (including contributing family workers), as well as persons working under contracts to perform a specified task and farmer's helpers.

