Polish official statistics ranked fourth in the world in 2018 and among the countries of Eastern Europe (Belarus, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Moldova, Romania, Russia, Ukraine, Slovakia) on the 1st place in the Open Data Inventory ranking (ODIN), which assesses the coverage and openness of data on the websites of national statistical offices.

Poland ranks fourth in the Open Data Inventory 2018 with an overall score of 81%. It is the result of two subscores: for coverage (75%) and for openness (85%).

As in previous years, our country was rated higher than other countries in the region in relation to all three major data categories. In Poland, the highest level of data coverage and openness was reflected in economic statistics (87%; global: 56%). The lowest one concerned social statistics (76%; global: 40%). In the field of environmental statistics, the result was 82% (global: 39%).

Open Data Inventory (ODIN) is the name of the team, which since 2016 examines the degree of openness and coverage of data in individual countries of the world. It takes into account the openness of the format, the availability of metadata and the possibility of machine data reading.

Open Data Watch is an international, non-profit organisation of data experts working to bring change to organisations that produce and manage official statistical data. It supports the efforts of national statistical offices to improve their data systems and harness the advancements of the data revolution. Through its policy advice, data support, and monitoring work, it helps both NSOs and other organisations meet the goals of their national plans and the sustainable development goals.

A country report for Poland can be downloaded here: bit.ly/2J2lAUy 


Pełny raport ODIN dla Polski w jęz. angielskim można pobrać tutaj: bit.ly/2J2lAUy